Thursday, May 19, 2011

10 LoVeS

~TeN tHiNgS tHaT i LoVe~
(about today)

1*  McDonalds for making sweet tea

2*  Apple for the "Words With Friends" app that I am SoOo addicted to

3*  Mikayla, Makennah, Landon, & Mic for just being them.

4*  Jason Aldean for making the "Dirt Road Anthem"

5*  Tootsie Rolls!

6*  Scentsy's Blueberry Cheesecake

7*  Hearing Mikayla READ

8*  MakinG DinneR FoR MikaylA, MakennaH, LandoN, MiC, MommA, AnD KyleigH
**and ice cream cones for dessert**

9*  The random sweet things my husband says to me

10*  Seeing my daddy today.