Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Long time no see!

So... Gotta new look on the spot... ya like??? Our family pictures turned out pretty good =) It was a stressful fiasco (like pictures with three kids always are), but well worth it. I will blog later.. I gotta get in the shower.. last time I messed around and blogged while Landon was sleeping.. he woke up right after I finally got in the shower, got off the bed, crawled over to my bedroom door, opened it, and came out in the living room looking for me.. thank god Mikayla was home to pick him up and bring him in the bathroom so he could cry the entire rest of my shower... **sighh** so I'm gonna shower now since he just went to sleep! Talk at ya soon!

Friday, June 24, 2011


1.  I really need to be in the shower because I promised the girls I would take them to the park... Landon's finally sleeping with means perfect opportunity to shower.. and here I am.

2.  I am really mad at my husband right now. He's been such a jerk the last two days!!

3.  I started taking Phentermine again... I WILL lose this extra 20lbs before Vegas... and so far so good... I'm down 4lbs in 4 days =)

4.  We got family pictures last night.. and I'm DIEING to see them!

5.  I signed Makennah up for prek at Zion... even though Mic said we need to talk about it first. (He still doesn't know yet) But I have my mind set on it and he kept putting "the talking about it" off... so I did it anyway.

6.  I confess that I am pretty pathetic because I can only come up with 5 real confessions... Geeze I've turned into such a good girl!! ... kinda makes me sick =)

Have a good weekend all!!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Princess Mikayla

My Princess looking for her Prince <3

(I had to pay her five dollars to do this!)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

It's Official!

We are going to Vegas!! August 4-7 we are going to celebrate our 5 year anniversary! My brother in law, and three of our bestest friends (Trisha *Steven, my brother in law's girlfriend & my best friend for the last 13 years*, and Dave and Mindy *two the the sweetest people I know*) are going with us! I can't explain how excited I am! EEK!!! =)

Our Hotel!

Can't Wait!!

Monday, June 13, 2011

*Stylish Award*

 So I was totally shocked and excited to see that Sarah gave me the "Stylish Blogger Award"... how sweet of her to think of me! I'm thinkin she just wants to see how random and crazy I really am ;-) Here I go (oh and by the way if you are under the age of 18, don't like to hear how things really are, or are easily offended... stop reading now haha jussst kidding!)

1.  I hate being pale... I feel so disgusting when I can see where the hair on my legs grows even AFTER I shave! I know how bad skin cancer is and I've weighed my consequences.. and for now.. I'm gonna keep tanning =P

2.  I need a vacation... like r-eally need one. My kids have been driving me absolutely crazy and I need to get away.. but only for a couple of days.. so, I planned a little get away for our anniversary in August.. and I can't wait!! I might even get tipsy!

3.  Now.. please don't tell my husband this... but I think I'm addicted to online shopping. I order something almost daily! (today I didn't!!... making progress with this addiction.. until tomorrow when I can think of something else I can order!) I try to stop myself... "no Stacy, you don't really need this.. crap, shit, damn... ok just this time!"

4.  I'm a clean freak... I hate hate hate clutter and mess. I am constantly picking up. When we have people over I get somewhat self conscious and worried that people are wondering what my problem is.. I can't just sit down and enjoy company because I am too busy cleaning up after my kids, their kids, them, myself, and my husband! It's horrible... I even annoy myself!

5.  I still love the color pink. I thought that was something little girls out grow... but not this one! If I have options... I always go pink... Just can't help myself. Must be my inner princess!

6.  My favorite thing in the whole wide world to drink is Sweet Tea.

7.  I am completely content with my family and our three children and I am done having babies! =)

So now I'm gonna pass this award on to Jackie over at Itza "Life and its Ours."  I'm passing it on to her because she is a first time momma and she is doing one hell of a job at raising her sweet baby girl Loreli <3

Thursday, June 9, 2011

*Tonight's agendA*

So it's 9:01 and all is quiet in my house... for the moment. So I am going to take full advantage of that and go read this...

I will let you know what I think.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Break Down

Everyone has a point when they just can't take it anymore... a point when they break down and cry like they are 10 months old.. and well I hit that point tonight. Landon is a co-sleeper (sleeps in my bed like I swore I wouldn't do) and for the last 10 months its been fine.. annoying at times, but we deal with it. I get more sleep that way, and with three kids I need as much sleep as possible. So anyway.. its been ok for the last 10 months.. but the last couple of nights its been a battle to get him to sleep and than once asleep he's been whining in his sleep and moving around and STILL waking up for bottles! Tonight was no different... I layed down hoping to get him to sleep rather quickly so I could have just maybe a half hour of  "me" time... WRONG! He flipped and flopped and sat up and plopped down and wiggled and babbled for a whole half an hour.. finally I got sick of it and put him in his crib.. just to let him cry for a few minutes so I could pick him up after he wore himself completely out and hopefully he would fall asleep so I could read for a little bit before going to sleep myself... WRONG AGAIN! I walked in his room after only letting him cry for maybe 3 minutes because I felt back and BARRRRFFFF!!!! He F*n pukes EVERYWHERE! So while cleaning him up, the bed up, and the floor up... we both sobbed... I cried like I was 10 months old... I couldn't help myself. Day in and day out I do for everyone else.. someone always needs something, there is always something to be done.. why can't I just have some time for ME!?!??!?! **sigh**

Finally I got everything cleaned up... I picked Landon back up and I sat down on the couch... he started humming (that's what he does when he's really tired) and closed his eyes... and then all of a sudden it hit me, and it went something like this... "What the hell am I pouting about (as I'm watching him drift off to sleep) I am so freakin lucky... my kids are healthy, my husband loves us all so much... we have a roof over our head (a nice roof at that) food in our cabinets, enough money so that we can keep our kids busy in sports and activities, we have an amazing family, great friends.... and here I sit feeling sorry for myself because I don't get any "me" time... There are people out there that would do anything just to hold their child for one more minute because they aren't here on earth anymore and here I am trying to get a minute to myself... I really need to stop feeling sorry for myself and count my blessings... this could all be taken away in a second. **sigh** "

So I'm better now... I guess having three small kids got to me for a second, but I am so thankful for the blessings I have and wouldn't change a thing. Now I better get off here and catch some z's while I can... Landon will be waking up soon for a bottle ;-)

Planning some Parties

I just wrote a nice long post and when I clicked "Publish Post", I got "this web page has expired" and that makes me want to cry  SCREAM! I'm pouty and crabby from getting zero sleep thanks to Kennah coughing all flippin night and Landon crying in his sleep! But this blog must go on...

The last couple of days I've been planning Mikayla's birthday party. Her birthday is a month and two days away and its all I can think about! I ordered her cake yesterday at 10th street, and I have an idea for how I want to make the invitations, but I just can't decide where to have it! At what point do you stop having big family parties and start having little friend parties?? I'm thinkin 6 years old is a good time to do that and she wants to have a pool party so I think we might go in that direction. Just gotta find a pool now!

Landon's birthday is in July too and since its his FIRST birthday, I want to have a big family/friends party so I'm thinking about renting out a hall somewhere. I'm trying to decide on a theme for Landon's too.. decisions, decisions! I want to get the kids pictures done too... I'm thinking some outside pictures! I don't have a professional picture of all three of them since the day after Landon was born.

My Birthday is in July too.. I'm gonna be twenty flippin six! I'm pretty sure my physical appearance is all downhill from here.. wrinkles, gray hair, sagging, fat... UGH!!! I could whine and pout all day I think... but lucky for you I have to go get ready to take Kennah to The Little Gym. Have a good day all!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

I hate to sweat!

This week we went swimming three of the five days! Wednesday we met my dad, my brother, and my sister down in Chester and went swimming at my great aunt's house. Tuesday and Wednesday we went to Mascoutah's public pool. It's nice but TOO crowded!  I am going to turn my application and money into the Elk's Lodge so we have a private pool to go to that is closer to our house.  It makes me a nervous wreck when there are 500 kids in a pool and I have to find my two girls out there in the midst of all the chaos! I'm hoping the Elk's is a lot more low key!

Yesterday, midmorning-ish my left hand started hurting... and it's gotten worse. It hurts to grab anything, pull anything, or apply any pressure to it. I never go to the doctor for myself.. but I called and made an appointment for Monday to get an xray and to talk to a doctor I have never seen because it wouldn't be until the 14th to get into my doc.. and I find that ridiculous! I have no time to hurt... especially my hand.. two hands aren't even enough... I can't deal with just one!

Our first week of  "summer activities" went great... gymnastics, tball, swimming lessons, swimming. It kept the kids busy! They are all three getting a nice little tan already! Kennah did really good at tball... I was very impressed!

This week I got my Arbonne stuff I ordered in the mail... I love LOVE love my foundation and my shae butter lotion... I think Arbonne is my new favorite stuff =) I also ordered a new pool bag and new cooler from 31... I got it personalized with "Barringer" on the side.. I can't wait to get it! I hope its big enough to carry our four towls, 5 different kinds of sunscreen, and our 4583 pool toys!

I also saw Scentsy's warmer of the month for July.... LOVE it! It's a cupcake.. just for MY birthday (and Landon and Mikayla!) I hope it boost my sales a little... I need to start working on my Scentsy business a little more!

(my website!)

Today it's supposed to hit tripple digits and Mikayla has a stinkin tball game at 2... UGHHH!!! I hate being hot and sticky.. but I wouldn't miss a game unless I absolutely had too.  Thank goodness my mom offered to come over and watch Landon and Kennah.. its just to hot for them outside.

My Dad & Landon
 Mikayla being a fish

 My sister Dani & Landon
 My Girls
   My Brother Brenden
   Tanning With Uncle Brenden
Very wore out after swimming
Kennah's first tball practice

Sleepy boy at Jeffersons for Uncle Steven's birthday

Swimming Lessons

Mascoutah Pool

This is what my bed looked like at 7AM today

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!