Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weird Wednesday

Is it weird that I feel super guilty when Mikayla packs her own lunch for school? She asks if she can please do it but I feel like its my job to do it for her.. it's an inner battle that I fight every morning =)

Is it weird that yesterday was a day that I loved my hubby more than "normal" and today he is driving me crazy? ( I hope he skips out on reading this blog.. if not.. sorry babe.. just being honest!)

Is it weird that I find myself with less and less close friends? Everyone just gets on my nerves... I can't stand people without priorities, good judgement, and a somewhat normal lifestyle. I constantly find myself rolling my eyes and pushing people out of my life.

Is it weird that I hate drinking after anyone.. even my own kids?? I never used to be like that, but now if the girls ask me for a drink of my soda I say "sure, you can just have it though." Slobber and germs just freak me out!

It is weird that I haven't done much of anything productive and I'm already for a nap?? I'm gonna blame it on the rainy weather!

Organization is a Must!

I decided to put together a Home Management Binder after reading about it over HERE at A Daily Dose of Davis.  If you decided to try out this idea you can get all of the print outs I used over there also. 

I got my {In} Place Binder, folder insert, and page dividers at Office Max online and it was on my door step within 24 hours! I was impressed! I printed off the pages that I thought I needed, hole punched them, and put them in my binder and whola, I was done!

Here are some pictures of my binder
My nifty little tabs that I printed online at

I think this is great for a babysitter or Mikayla... I will let each of them know where to look in case of an Emergency.

The sticky notes are from {In} Place also.

I printed calendars two different ways because I wasn't sure which way I would like better.

I think this will be my favorite part! Dinner planning, here I come!

As much as I hate cleaning.. maybe if I plan what I need to clean on what I, I will be more likely to tackle a few cleaning tasks a day and then there won't be so much to do when I feel it's getting out of hand.

This is good to have it all in one place instead of just in my phone contacts.

There are a few things I would like to add with an address book being one of them. This little project was super easy and will save me a lot of question answering from Mic and the kids when they can just look in the binder and know whats going on! Thanks over at A Daily Dose of Davis for the idea!