Monday, October 3, 2011

These are my confessions..

ConfessioN #1- I'm crabby, emotional, and fed up with bullshit today, so I figured what better to post today than my confessions!

ConfessioN #2- I'm officially D.O.N.E with fake people... If you don't like me, what I say, how I act, my Facebook status', my brutal honesty, or anything else involving me... Go fuck yourself. (I was going to apologize for saying "fuck".. But I'm not sorry)

ConfessioN #3- I'm tired of being the only one around my house that's cooks or cleans.. I understand I'm a stay at home mom and that my husband works but damn.. A load of laundry or unloading the dish washer once a month isn't gonna kill him!

ConfessioN #4- I haven't gone to the gym in 5 days and I-Don't-Care!! So ha!

ConfessioN #5- I hate wearing jeans.. Absolutely freakin hate it.. So, I never do.. Unless I have to... I rock VS's Pink (Black) yoga pants and I don't care what anyone thinks... Them bitches are comfy!

ConfessioN #6- Chris Coleman just came up in my "people you may know" on Facebook (which I do) but it kinda freaked me out... I know someone who killed three people.. That is pretty damn scary.

ConfessioN #7- I have more confessions, but I just can't put my business out there like that.. It's a blog, not a diary =P


  1. I'm right there with you on confession #3!! Especially since my hubby was off work for 3 almost 4 weeks...and still didn't do anything. Actually, he I think he did vacuum once & unload the dishwasher once but if he asked me what was for lunch or supper one more time I would have freaked out!

  2. Gurl, I hear ya! My husband I think is afraid of the basement...that's where the washer n dryer are at.
    Chris Coleman....sorry but I hope he rots in hell.
